Monday, December 22, 2008

New Allison Robichaud Paintings Arrive for the Holidays

Allison Robichaud & his wife Margot arrived on Saturday bearing gifts for a delighted gallery owner - wonderful new paintings - after spending hours shoveling snow in the cold at their home in Prescott, before they could leave to travel to Perth. Both were bundled appropriately for the occasion as it was definitely a bone chilling day. That's what I call dedication. All fooling aside, Allison is an amazingly dedicated painter, creating new work daily at the get go. The first photo is of a subdued Allison with his sweetheart Margot and the second captures Allison & Margot hamming it up. Some of his latest work can be seen below.

The top three paintings are small format paintings for the Holiday Smalls show...( 6 x 8s and 5 x 7s)...I missed posting photos for another two small paintings that are here at the gallery.Click on each photo to enlarge. The last painting ,a larger format is titled "Simplicity at its Best", and is the latest Robichaud masterpiece. Click on each photo to enlarge.

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